The following are a few excerpts from my collection of early-Palace related documents and other items of historical interest.
Unless otherwise specified, the document was written by yours truly.
An email I sent which describes how the palace originally got started at Time Warner Interactive (email written in October 2002).
The first floor plan, prepared for Damon Williams as a guide for room concepts (7/94)
Palace via IRC?? This actually (sorta) worked, but was then abandoned.(9/94)
Early Palace Precepts - The "Palace Philosphy"(11/94)
Memo from the first inter-company Palace "Demo" (1/95)
Proposed Feature List (1/95)
Early Room List (1/95)
A Graph showing mansion server usage in early 1996 (4/96)
Images from a 1997 Palace Party in Portland
Images from a 1997 Palace Party in Las Vegas
The 1997 version of my homepage
The 2000 version of my homepage
The 2002 version of my homepage
The current version of my homepage