Technical Demos - Flash & Quicktime Movies
  Most of these late 1990s demos are QuickTime movies made with QTS (QuickTime Synthesizer) - a 2D rendering language I developed for generating animated procedural textures & abstract animations. It was a follow up to my earlier programs Pixel Magic and Photoshop Expression, from the early 90s.

I am no longer developing QTS, doing most of my work these days using Perl scripts, ImageMagick and the Processing language. A currently available plugin that is very similar in spirit to QTS is MathMap, developed independently by Mark Probst.


Mona Mosaic (2.7 mb) XOR Fractal (3.4 mb) Perlin Eclipse (400 kb)
Catherine Wheel (2.7 mb) Starfish Thingie (2.7 mb) Mandelbrot Zoom (1.8 mb)
Logarithmic Spiral (1.8 mb) Hologram Effect (3.4 mb) Synthetic Flash Movie (237 kb)

  Here is a QTS screenshot with a simple script:


Write Jim Bumgardner for more information.