The Institute of Druidic Technology (or IDT) is a not-for-profit organization devoted to increasing man's understanding of ancient technologies.
The current goal of the Institute is to conclusively prove that the ancient inhabitants of Britain had access to advanced computer technology. A subgoal of the Institute is to acquire grant monies and tax-deductable donations to help us in our efforts to conclusively prove that the Ancient inhabitants of Britain had access to advanced computer technology
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The institute was founded in 1959 by Dr. F. E. Tunalu, an acknowledged
expert in computer science, and a noted archaeologist specializing in British artifacts
from before the Roman Invasion.
"The obvious links between ancient British culture and computer science have heretofore gone unnoticed due to a lack of expertise in these seemingly unrelated fields," says Dr. Tunalu. "Sadly, a lot of so called 'experts' have mislabeled many important finds, which sit gathering dust in the natural history museums of the world, waiting only to be discovered by one as insightful as myself."
Our archaeologists, led by the indefatigable Dr. Tunalu, are finding impressive new evidence that the prehistoric Iberians and ancient Celts had access to advanced mathematical knowledge and advanced software. Among their recent discoveries are the Walton Heath rod memory containing the early computer game, "Osric the Stoat," and the Desborough mousepad, a bronze Celtic artifact which contains a fractal pattern copied from an ancient screen saver. A flint mouse was also found near this site.
Our ethno linguists are analyzing both ancient and modern languages for the likely etymology of computer-related terms. A recent discovery is that the word sega, assumed to be of Asian origin, is actually derived from the Medieval Gaelic for "hedgehog" - Dr. Tunalu believes this word to have been transmitted to the Medieval Japanese thru a powerful hidden transmitter in a secret location in Ireland.
Our computer scientists are embarking on two projects, currently. Firstly, they are attempting to prove Dr. Tunalu's theories by using a supercomputer to find the correct location in the Mandelbrot set of the fractal depicted on a particular Celtic mousepad. It is believed if the correct coordinates are found, they will not only confirm Dr. Tunalu's theories, but also reveal the quantity of the irrational number D, which was prized by Druid mathematicians, but has been lost to Antiquity.
A second computer-science related project is the reconstuction and simulation of the Iberian computer game, "Osric the Stoat," which has been recovered in incomplete form in a wooden rod memory. Our goal is to have both a Macintosh and Windows emulator of this game available within the next ten years, given sufficient grant monies.
Our legal experts are suing to overturn a huge number of software patents for which Dr. Tunalu believes the Celtics can claim prior art. Unfortunately, many of these patents are held by companies and individuals who cannot claim Celtic ancestry. "Sadly," says Dr. Tunalu, "our efforts have been hindered by a vast conspiracy of mainstream academics who are trying to refute the undeniable evidence. It is my belief that these so called 'experts' are in fact funded by a large software cartel which is masterminded by an American monopolistic billionaire who shall go nameless. Obviously this nefarious individual will have a lot to answer for when my theories are proven!"
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